Design Events

Design Events

Design Events featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


InStyle HK 2017

Held in a hotel Kala Lumpur, the InStyle HK Expo was aimed at helping 40 Hong Kong companies penetrate and test the consumers of Malaysian market on a variety of lifestyle products. The design brief of expo was to showcase an affluent east of Hong Kong meets west culture. Classical modern influenced architecture was used to create an upmarket boutique shopping experience. This was intermixed with curated products and video content to position Hong Kong as the lifestyle trend setter of Hong Kong.

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J. Hudson Taylor

This is the first exhibition hall with the theme of missions and missionaries in Mainland China. It is also a historical testimony of the missionaries of the China Inland Mission in the past 150 years. The memorial hall is located in a separate clock tower of a church. Its net floor area is less than 6000 square feet. In order to overcome the limitation in space, the memorial hall has adopted white tones and oak in its design. White gives people a feeling of tranquility and solemnity, and can visually extend the sense of space.

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Design strategy:Use the sheet and vanish point to create diverse spatial experience and interest. front, diverse visual experience of expand and compress side, line to create interesting skyline rear, interaction with green life Design description:Learn from the nature geometry from crystal to create a multi-dimensional framework. The framework is built by point, line and surface and to create the spatial interests of expand and compress. The remnant space become the floating area of sunshine.

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Fashion of Music

To uplift the image of the 2016 HK Fashion Week from a sourcing fair to a marketing show. A welcome installation was created using a 5m high LED monolith, themed mannequins and large lit title signage under the concept fashion of music. Following this theme and located inside the hall, a 350m2 multifunctional space was built. This acted as a center point for fashion shows, open seminars, bar and lounge for informal meetings activities occurred.

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Supermarket Therapy

A low cost solution to uplift the organizer's areas decorative ambiance at the Hong Kong International Printing & Packaging Fair was required. This entailed a 6m x 3.5m registration wall with counter, an open forum, a print awards and digital printing awards areas, along with a seminar space to seat 100 people. A graphical approach to resemble a surrealistic supermarket environment under the theme of Supermarket Therapy was developed. Using bold colors and graphics made the organizer's spaces in this show easy to distinguish for the visitors.

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House of Hungary at Rio Olympic Games

First time in Olympic history, we've opened our very own national hospitality house! We are proud, that we could take part in this project, with the concept and content development to the design of the interior spaces and installations, under the leadership of Gergely Boszormenyi Nagy and Linda Szurdi (linszudesign). The FSR and Dupla Design team carried out the outdoor design and the construction works.

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